Best settings for GTX 780 gtav

13 Nov 2012
Hi I wanted to ask a quick question, I've just bought Gta v and I was wondering if anyone has a 780 and what they've found the best settings to be for them as I've been playing about with the benchmark test and I want to find out the max settings possible not to drop below 40-45fps, thank you
It depends on more than the GPU - RAM and CPU will play a part.

Besides which one of the joys in PC gaming is spending countless hours fine tuning the settings to get the absolute best performance from your gear. In other words, experiment yourself.

If you want plug and play buy a console :D
as said above I would use NVidia gerforce settings and go from there. fxaa with help u a lot with frames if you want to turn setttings up.
It depends on more than the GPU - RAM and CPU will play a part.

Besides which one of the joys in PC gaming is spending countless hours fine tuning the settings to get the absolute best performance from your gear. In other words, experiment yourself.

If you want poor performance at 900p buy a console :D

Do not have grass at ultra :p

What resolution? You can probably turn everything to max (at 1080p) except msaa and be fine, maybe knock the shadow settings down a bit too. Try FXAA if MSAA is taking too many frames but if you're playing at 1080p you might not be happy with FXAA.
I find going to the NW side of the map to that forested area is the best to test your hardware.

Get the fps to 50 whilst looking around in the forest and you're garunteed a solid 60fps everywhere else.

The option for vegetation density, the max option KILLS all hardware, simply as it puts shadows on all grass blades. So knock that back one. AA is best set to FXAA. Leave all the advanced options off (such as extended shadow and render distance), max out all sliders for object fade in normal settings.

Shadows, set to soft, not softest.

Ummmm, everything else max at 1080p. That's what I had, got good fps, mostly 60fps with a few dips here and there.

I had a standard 780 (well, gigabyte Windforce OC edition), and it handled the game damn well. And as much as it pains me to say, the 980ti I've not got doesn't add much with a few options maxed out.
There is a good video on either the OP or Post #2 on the GTAV thread which shows the differences in graphical quality between each setting.

I used that with my 780 and got decent results.
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