Best site to download movies legally

10 Mar 2006
Can anyone recommend a good site to download movies legally?

I had a look on lovefilm, but they don't have a very good selection just now - it's mostly older films on offer. I also checked out the Sky Active program, but couldn't get it to work properly.

SkyAnytime is very good is you can get it to work. To download movies you must be a sky movies subscriber.

If you are, log into 'mysky' at and enable SkyAnytime from there, if you have installed the app - away you go.
I've only got the Sky Sports package, but I couldn't even get any of those clips to download. Plus I wasn't too keen on using the program after hearing reports of it bringing internet speeds to a crawl because it uses peer to peer in the background to upload content to other users.
Youtube? There are firefox plug-ins to download the vids, but they aren't the greatest of quality...

If not, the royalty free stuff has some can be good. :)
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