Best site to start on games design?

24 Jul 2004
I'd like to get into game design, does anyone know of a decent engine i can start on? Maybe something from the UT series?

I have a C++ kit engine and guide, but its about 9 years old so i'm looking for something more up to date.

To put it bluntly i want to design and learn about all aspects of a game, characters, surroundings, sound, lighting, etc etc.

Could anyone point me in the right direction please?

Rincewind said:
what sort of game, if it's FPS, then UT2004 or Half Life 2 have good devkits, if it's an RPG i'd say oblivion but i got stuck...

Yeh most likely FPS at the moment, but i'm open to anything especially stuff with a decent learning curve.
Psyk said:
Saying you want to be a game designer is a bit general. What area do you want to focus in? I suggest you try and get involved with a mod team (although this can be almost as difficult as actually getting a job :rolleyes: ) as either a programmer, modeller or mapper. Not many people can successfully be a jack of all trades.

Yes your right, but i'd like to start off with a little of everything, it probably sounds harder, but it will help me make my mind up on what kind of area i'd like to be in.
PinkFloyd said:
I'd personally go for Unreal Engine.
(honestly nothing to do with the fact I have been mapping for unreal 4 years)

The editor ships with the game(s) and is really easy to use. So thats level design covered.for the animaation/modelling you'l have to be using a 3d app like 3dsmax/maya. Unreal also is a great game to code for, it uses UnrealScript which is basicly C++ with a few things added. Quite easy to follow what is happening (although I'm no good at scripting)

Thanks a lot, pretty much the answer i was looking for :)

Thanks peeps.
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