Best Social Media Platform for Images

16 Nov 2009
Hello all,

I used to love Instagram but, as I share antique weaponry on it, my account has been throttled and my stats have plummetted. This is frustrating as I put a lot of work into it and it was doing so well. As well as enjoying the interaction with people on there I use my IG images to funnel people to my sales website and so I'm now looking for new platforms that will allow my following to grow to its full potential. What do you chaps use? Flickr? Tumblr?

Any suggestions are most welcome!
They do that? How do you know?

I don't really understand it and some call it shadow banning while others say it's the new algorithm they have in place. Basically, none of my hashtags work and my account can't be seen unless someone searches for it - I think. It's possible that someone keeps reporting me too? Either way, it's stupid and annoying and I really feel held back as this is my main marketing strategy. My typical stats on a photo before the change:

730 profile visits
57,000 reach
92% of which weren't followers

And after:
30 profile visits
3,000 reach
1% of which weren't followers

As you can see, it's a huge difference, depressing, and my account (and exposure) should be rocketing but it now gains one or two followers per week.
oh right, very strange ain't it then as your page looks fine.

Honestly, it's all strange. If you dig into the algorithm online there are lots of people like me that have experienced the same dramatic drops in engagement and there are so many theories about it all. I'm not worried about the cap in followers I've reached, really, I'm just frustrated that the account isn't being allowed to reach it's potential and, of course, It has decimated my website traffic. Hence, I'd love new places to share my photos.
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