Best software to Wipe HDD's

7 Sep 2008
Hi all,

what is the best software to use to clear data on HDD's?

How long would 500GB drives take to clear?

cheers all.
format driveletter: /p:x

replace x for the number of passes

/P:count      Zero every sector on the volume.  After that, the volume
                  will be overwritten "count" times using a different
                  random number each time.  If "count" is zero, no additional
                  overwrites are made after zeroing every sector.  This switch
                  is ignored when /Q is specified.
Or to keep it a bit longer, wrap in lead sheeting and then wrap that with denso tape to waterproof it. Bury it at your leisure.
as already mentioned dban (boot and nuke) is your best bet. and as also said, do not accidentally kill the wrong drive!

I haven't done it in a while but it took a few hours iirc on a 256GB SSD. Depends how many passes you chose to do.
so I got quite a lot of drives here
like 10+ all old sata drives with files/photos/videos on that I no longer need

dbaning them will prob take days then based on this thread.
Pretty much already said but gutmann wipe using dban or dariks boot and nuke is what I use at work. Yes it takes ages but you're pretty certain only the nsa or places like that can recover anything!

In theory now drives are all bit locker protected then sticking the drive in a different pc and re using it should be certain that no data can be recovered but I would still gutmann it in case someone ever finds a weakness or can brute force trillions of combos a second. Maybe in 100 years time who knows. Depends what data is on the drives!

Edit: set them going on a Friday and they're done when you walk in on Monday. Helps if you have a spare few PCs around to wipe them with.
out of interest what are u all doing with old HDDs?

I destroyed 1 with a lump hammer. Couldn't be bothered erasing it, and had no further use for it. It was very therapeutic. Did the same once with an old phone - but don't recommend it. The **** flies everywhere, took me around 25 mins to clean up the back yard afterwards.
sdelete utility

To be sure, a hammer and a few nails will do the trick.

To avoid damaging the concrete, it pays to put it on a steel plate before you belt it. The bbq plate works well.

It also saves you wasting precious time deleting contents just to avoid the prying of some nosy nabob at the dump.
Drilling a few holes through them does a pretty good job.

Had to get rid of some old ide drives and had no way of connecting them so just destroyed them instead.
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