best sound bar for £100 max.

2 Jul 2007
Cheshire East
Hi looking for a soundbar to go with a 4k ultra tv and 4k ultra blu ray player. Cant really go over the £100 mark and if there is anything less than that thats worth a punt let me know

This thread has been sitting here for the best part of a day with a fair few views but no replies. It sort of tells you a lot.

Richers only offer one product under your £100 max budget. It's the £99 Polk Signa Solo. You could argue that if they offered something cheaper then buyers would simply opt for that as the lower-cost solution, and I wouldn't disagree. I'd like to think though that they made their choice partly on audio quality grounds since they already deal with all the manufacturers that do cheaper sound bars.

The JVC TH-D339B is available from the big shed retail outlet that sounds as if it deals with Indian food ( ;) ). It offers more features; a sub and HDMI input, but isn't without issues. There are complaints that it doesn't lipsync correctly and there are some issues around the audio decoding. It's £89.
Yes thanks mate, no answers does say a lot, I have actually spent 40 notes on a jvc sound bar that had decent reviews for not a lot. So thought I would give it a punt as everyone who bought it said it was a big improvement over the TV speaker. And at that price I can take it back or flog it on the flea market and not worry too much about what I spent. Would obviously like the top jobby but that's out of my reach so wiil make do with what I can afford. Thanks for the reply though lucid :)
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off topic but it would be really fun to diy it if you are into it. What else is there to do much nowadays. A wealth of info on DIYaudio to get you started ... or confused
I'd probably go 2nd hand, even,
always trying to convince parents to get something to improve on their poor (panasonic) tv inbuilt speakers,
considered some Q acoustics bt 3's , as a low cost entry. I think 2(or 2.1) active speakers, will be better (sound quality) value, versus soundbar.
thanks guys. Actually bought a jvc soundbar for £40, came this morning and installed it and I must say its a great buy for the money. Much better sound now and no issues with lip sinq etc etc. it does what I wanted perfectly ;)
its this one JVC TH-D227B 2.0 Compact Sound Bar. Certainly improves the sound on my mp4 movies etc etc. You can find it easy enough on a well known high street shop @£39.99
Personally I'd buy a set of 2.0 speakers at this price range or even 2.1 and place speakers either side of the TV or wall mount.

Would be a much better option in terms of the sound for the money.

I've went through 3 soundbars for the bedroom set up.

Yamaha yas 101 iirc for £160 brand new
Yamha ysp 1600 for £160 second hand.
Yamaha ysp 2700 for £220 second hand.

The only one which sounds decent is the ysp 2700 but it is a circa rrp £600-£800 soundbar iirc.

However its really easy to get 2.0 speakers which are active that sound decent for sub £150. Less than £100 second hand.
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