Best Soundcard for Music Listening ?

18 Oct 2002
Starting to get FLAC/Lossless audio tracks rather then mp3s, so am looking to getting the best highend Soundcard for Music listening. Do gaming also, ive had Xfi but heard theres much better cards for just Music listening in the past.

Will be using my Audio Technic AD900 headphones also :)

Any suggestions welcome
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For a cheap one, look at the M-Audio Revolution 5.1. I got it for £35 on eBay and it was excellent.

But for the "best", you'd need to look into external DACs.
I have the ATH-T2's and Aego M's

with an Extreme Music, and music sounds great, certainly a lot better than onboard.

tbh I've noticed the difference more with music than in games.
If you don't want to spend a lot of cash then the M-Audio Revolution 5.1 is the best choice. I use Megaworks 550 THX and the music quality was apparent moving up from an Audigy2ZS.
If you don't want to spend a lot of cash then the M-Audio Revolution 5.1 is the best choice. I use Megaworks 550 THX and the music quality was apparent moving up from an Audigy2ZS.

X-Fi Xtreme Music vs Revolution5.1

If maximum volume levels are similar, Revolution5.1 offers better quality. X-Fi offers less details and worse articulation in low frequencies. Differences between the cards are reduced at lower volumes.

Seems it is better then xfi ;)

And only 65
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