Best speakers you have ever used?

7 Oct 2018
Behind Pluto
I am a DIY guy so I like to build them if I can.

Focal Auditor RCX-130, just a measly 5'25 inch driver, nothing really fancy, but are made by Focal.
Easily did 30hz and above on bass, amazingly crisp and clear sound all for 65 quid for a pair.

They were used in a DIY Bluetooth speaker I made for work. Nothing fancy again.. all sound, not much on looks, bit of fun.


Sadly tonight the build was dropped from a height and one of the speakers fell out bending the actual basket, yet the amp and speakers worked fine.
So I am going to rebuild it but with larger drivers because the amp is actually too powerful for these drivers, so tonight I put them on full bore, bass all the way playing Young Jeezy Put On, some Bass Mekanik etc.. below links.

Amp link:

Link all about Focal:

I wanted to blow them for fun! since I am rebuilding anyway... That never happened... I could not believe how much the drivers were moving, yes it was not as clear, these are 50w RMS drivers, but they never gave out, I did smell the coils... They smelled but they never blew, literally had it on max for around 30 minutes on seriously bass heavy songs and these drivers just kept on going. They even still sound completely normal on normal listening levels.

That to me is possibly some of the best speakers I have owned in terms of build quality and power handling.
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Not sure about best speakers, however have some legendry car speakers.

Pioneer TSE-1390's, purchased in 1997, they have been in.

91 Vauxhall Cavalier 2.0 (in 1997)
95 Vauxhall Cavalier SRi 16v (in 1999)
2002 Astra Coupe (in 2004)
1999 Honda Integra Type R DC2 (in 2007) and there still in there and sounding fine. Last year I took the Integra's door card off to grease the central locking / window mech, and the speakers are all still intact, no sign of breakdown at all. I love Pioneer, I have some 90's Pioneer HiFi separates, some of their older stuff was made to last.

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I have a pair of 8" Focal's in my MX5, yep very nice.

Best pair of speakers I've ever heard, probably these:

They're a pair of Rockports, I think Altairs. Ridiculously expensive, and probably needs a ridiculously expensive set of electronics to drive them appropriately. All the same, made pretty much anything else that I've heard sound a bit second rate.

Best pair of speakers I've owned, pair of these:

Have owned them for 15 years and short of bonkers money (see above), haven't heard anything else that have made me feel like changing.
A pair of PMC MB2 XBD on the end of a rack of Bryson bits.

Audio-T in Portsmouth were doing a roadshow type thing and I was just in kicking tyres, spent 30 mins listening to all sorts. Like the other post, quite an un-obtainable bar to reach.
i have had quite a lot of speakers over the years

i used to be a big fan of the Kef Reference range - and still am amazed at their performance

but i recently had a new av system installed using Perlisten speakers - now i admit i had not heard of these speakers previously but my advisor said 'just try them'

and yes, they are amazing

a) front L/R Perlisten S7T

b) centre Perlisten R5C

c) rears Perlisten R4S surrounds

d) BK Monolith df subwoofer

all of these have been professionally calibrated/integrated into my system - included allowing the speakers to 'run in' and then recalibrated

its far from a cheap system

is it worth the cost? - only you can say, but to me its absolutely worth the cost

i have rewatched a lot of movies and i now hear things previously missed - yes, small details like the click of a key turning in a lock

but its the overall depth/presence that makes these speakers so, so good
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Built much DIY hifi over the years, active member on DIYAudio and PinkFishMedia. Many home built amps, dacs, PSU's, Subs and speakers.
ERGO IX are my current favourite speakers, sublime. FrugalHorns are a very close second.
All with a BK Monolith DF sub and room correction (to time align everything and deal with a room mode that bumps the sub output up)
Had some Spendor SA1 years back that were £1400 for small speakers and the vocals sounded very good indeed.

But i now use Dali Lekor 1, they are good enough for me.

The best speakers need a very large space and powerful high end amplifiers and other parts.
i have had quite a lot of speakers over the years

i used to be a big fan of the Kef Reference range - and still am amazed at their performance

but i recently had a new av system installed using Perlisten speakers - now i admit i had not heard of these speakers previously but my advisor said 'just try them'

and yes, they are amazing

a) front L/R Perlisten S7T

b) centre Perlisten R5C

c) rears Perlisten R4S surrounds

d) BK Monolith df subwoofer

all of these have been professionally calibrated/integrated into my system - included allowing the speakers to 'run in' and then recalibrated

its far from a cheap system

is it worth the cost? - only you can say, but to me its absolutely worth the cost

i have rewatched a lot of movies and i now hear things previously missed - yes, small details like the click of a key turning in a lock

but its the overall depth/presence that makes these speakers so, so good

You need to swap out that subwoofer mate! You have excellent speakers but the BK subs are different budget tier.
B&W 801d4... I have them.

I really want to experience the Avantgarde Trios some point soon, but haven't had the opportunity yet.
You need to swap out that subwoofer mate! You have excellent speakers but the BK subs are different budget tier.

totally agree about the sub

i am keeping the Monolith as a stop gap because i hope to move house within the next six months

depending on the 'new' listening environment i will have two or possibly four new subs

currently powering everything with 3no Lyngdorf SD2400 power amps and a Trinnov Altitude 16AV Processor

using a Panasonic UB9000 as my dvd player and 'disc spinner' (yes, i still love cds)

when i move i will probably get a dedicated cd player

and before you ask

yes, my advisor/consultant wanted me to get away from all physical media and basically go to totally online streaming services

and again call me old but i like physical media and my IT/computer skills are abysmal and in my small village BT streaming speeds are dreadful

hell, i still buy and read paper books
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Natural response of the speaker itself be known for boosted high and mids

Sound good to me as they are, as did the 800d3s I had before.

Paired with McIntosh MA12000 & Naim ND555, I've yet to hear anything better & I demoed most things in this price bracket.

I have some decent room treatment, haven't tweaked anything on the amp's EQ.

I haven't read anything suggesting boosted highs and mids, as you suggest. The reviews seem to say the opposite & it's not something I've picked up on.
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