Best SSD for MBP?

12 May 2004

I'm thinking of upgrading my 17" MBP drive from the slow 250Gb 5400 which is driving me nuts! (See xbench below)

I need something fast and reliable - I don't have time to be messing about with firmware upgrades, reinstalling etc.

Budget restrictions exclude the X25-M 160Gb so I'll have to see if I can make do with an 80Gb but still is very expensive for that amount of space.

Is the OCZ Vertex 120Gb out of the question? Seems to be having problems with OS X sleeps (which I rely on - I rarely reboot).

Otherwise I might just get a Seagate 7200.4 500Gb which seems to be the fastest spindle-based drive atm, once OCUK gets them in.

Are there any other sensible options? The Samsung (Corsair P256) with the big buffer is only available in the 250Gb size, right?



Results 22.58
System Info
Xbench Version 1.3
System Version 10.5.6 (9G55)
Physical RAM 4096 MB
Model MacBookPro4,1
Drive Type Hitachi HTS542525K9SA00
Disk Test 22.58
Sequential 25.64
Uncached Write 52.51 32.24 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 47.70 26.99 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 10.86 3.18 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 41.81 21.01 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Random 20.17
Uncached Write 8.24 0.87 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Write 50.34 16.11 MB/sec [256K blocks]
Uncached Read 27.17 0.19 MB/sec [4K blocks]
Uncached Read 49.45 9.18 MB/sec [256K blocks]
I have an OCZ Vertex 120GB in my MBP 3,1.

It works now, although there's a few issues still - namely the hang on wake bug that sometimes appears on waking. When it does the only thing you can do is to power down and restart. Just make sure everything is saved before hibernating.

Other than that I'd satisfied with the performance boost it gives.
I think hang-on-wake is a deal breaker for me unfortunately.

Is there supposed to be an Intel SSD price drop today/tomorrow? I'm sure I read something about that. Probably won't be much I expect.

Think I might end up getting a WD Scorpio Black - which from what I've read will be twice as fast as my current naff drive - and will reassess the situation in 6 months time..
I think hang-on-wake is a deal breaker for me unfortunately.

It is for me as well. I've been watching the prices on the Vertex drop a bit recently and I spent some time this week looking into it, but I'm not prepared to put a device into my laptop that has this issue.
I haven't had any trouble with this hang-on-wake bug, though waking from sleep after ten minutes is annoying.
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