Best stability programs - GPU

23 May 2011
Hey 8 Pack,

I was wondering what you find to be the best stability programs when overclocking a GPU. I overclocked my 7950 Windforce X3 to 1.2Ghz/1.5Ghz/1.3V using Afterburner which survived a 15 minute burn in test using Furmark but when trying the Valley benchmark at those speeds it crashed almost straight away making me think Furmark is pretty useless for stability?

This means that I've only really been using Valley benchmark to test the OC which I've found seems perfectly stable at 1.15Ghz/1.5Ghz/1.3V (I plan to see if I can lower this when I find a stable OC).

Any suggestions both in terms of stability testing and just general OC advice :)?

Heaven Valley and 4.0are great as is the new Firestrike Xtreme benchmark. Personally I believe the best way to test stability is to play your games. This is more relevant to you and your system and more fun too!!!
Games for me personally. I can bench my gtx 670 stable in heaven or firestrike at +130/+770. But fire up bf3 and it will error pretty quickly. Back the clocks of 10mhz and it's grand in games.
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