Best storyline in a game!

1 Sep 2003
I don't know about everyone else but to me a good storyline really enhances games no end and immerses players, making games much more exciting.

What are you favorite games that feature great storylines?

My number one storyline in a game would have to be Final Fantasy 7.

Runners up include: Mafia, Deus Ex, Planescape Torment and Silent Hill 1.
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Not many developers tend to focus on storylines really despite a few runaway successes. I guess it’s harder to sell than say good graphics.

I genuinely can't wait till we get to the stage where games have movie style storylines; even if they were linear as hell I'd still be a happy bunny.
miracleboy said:
Shenmue on the Dreamcast.

EDIT - oops wrong forum, but still Shenmue. :p

Ah a game is a game! :D

Yeah Shenmue had a good story but I never got the sequel so I'll have to wait a while to find out how that turned out.
Planscape torment had a GREAT storyline, the whole game was more like a novel in the first place. I can't get enough of amnesia storylines, total recall style! :D

Edit: Also Soul Reaver games, how complicated did Soul Reaver 2 make the series!
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