Best time to buy, before or AFTER xmas?

25 Oct 2014
Hi guys

I had a quick scan of the topics but couldn't quite find the answer to my first question today, which is:

When is the best time to pick up a good deal? Traditionally I think people waited for the new year's sales, but more and more I see the retail sector offering loads of discounts in the run up to xmas, rather than straight after it. Typically, does OC throw out discounts/sales items both before and after xmas, or do prices remain largely the same throughout the year?

Thanks in advance
Some of the major retailers will offer discounts on pre-built OEM kit like laptops but if you're buying a custom built desktop PC from somewhere like OCUK then I doubt there will be much difference. The next Intel CPU refresh will be Q2 next year for broadwell and Nvidia have just refreshed their 970/980 range so if that's what you're after now is probably a good time to buy.

If anything a good time to buy is shortly after hardware has been refreshed rather than waiting for specific seasons of the year for holiday 'sales'. Let us know what you're planning on buying, when you need it for and I'm sure someone will be able to advise.
Possibly in the last leg before xmas, or immediately after once i've got some spending money. I'll probably be budgeting around £600 or so, so when the time is right i'll probably put a "spec me" thread up, amidst the ocean of other "spec me" threads in this forum :D
I remember seeing various stores last year having "Black Friday" deals on the day after Thanksgiving... which confused me immensely as it's an American tradition, not British.

Personally, for PC components I'd just keep an eye out for special offers. I think you get a better saving that way than via traditional "January Sales" (which tend to rather DFS-like in any case).
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