Best timings at 250MHz G.Skill 2GB ZX

21 Sep 2005
Bradley Stoke, Bristol
I can't get my new RAM completely stable 1:1 at 250MHz, SO far I have had to run using the 9/10 divider which works out nicely, but I'd like to be able to run 1:1
I have tried running And I don't really want to go much looser, was hoping to maybe even have CL2.5, but that seems an absolute no go at the moment, anyone else had more luck?
I couldn't get it stable at 245 3-3-3-8.. it was very very nearly stable but kept kicking me out of farcry and having the odd wobble.

Went for the hz in the end.
You might find even lowering the voltage can help I'm testing some HZ for my friend he couldn't get it going I have it running stable at 271MHz with 2.55v
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