Best 'Tom Clancy' game

22 Jul 2012
I recently bought a bundle of the 'Tom Clancy' games. the reason I was interested is I've been looking for something similar to the the 'Hidden and Dangerous' games from ages ago and someone mentioned that the TC games had some similarities.

So, out of all of the Tom Clancy games, can anyone recommend the best ones to try out first?
they dont belong in the same genre, splinter cell is a third person stealth game which would most closely fit your requirements.

the splinter cells are quite consistent in their high quality so you could just play through them chronologically.

the last good rainbow six game was raven shield, which is a bit dated graphically but still good fun and a small dedicated community online.
Check out original Ghost Recon, spent many an hour on that and Desert Siege. Stealth elements are nowhere near the level of Hidden and Dangerous but a great game in its own right. Newer ones just seems like arcade rubbish.
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