Best TV (No OLED, No Samsung)



29 Oct 2002
South Wales
What's the best TV I can get for my living room. 55" in size, cannot be OLED as the room is too bright (bought the C1 LG OLED and have had to move it to the bedroom the glare is so bad I cannot watch it unless it's night time). Also no Samsung following both the KS7000 and KS7500 TV's having the intermittent blackout issues with HDMI devices, particulary gaming consoles (drove my nuts on PS4 PRO, Xbox One X and PS5). Looking online, even the latest models still suffer the problem. TV will be used for Plex, Netflix and PS5 mostly so must have VRR and HDMI 2.1 etc. Looking at the top end Sony non OLED probably?
It came out on top in a SDR shootout test between these TV's for day mode

55" A95K ordered :)
I get it via Salaray sacrifice through work and save on the NI so takes a bit of the sting out of the price tag!
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