Best way of streaming HD video from phone/tablet to TV?

6 Sep 2005
Hi guys

I have a very specifc issue I'm trying to find a workaround for.

I'm looking at a way of streaming HD video from Netflix US onto my TV via a phone or tablet with a VPN.

I have a Samsung Note 3 and a Samsung Note Pro 12.2 tablet and was initially looking at wired connectors. They are absolutely silly prices though, around £40 just to connect the phone to the TV! :eek:

Thinking a bit more widely, there is Chromecast and Fire which will do the same job. Ironically I haven't needed them at all as the TV has both iplayer and Netflix on it (but not Amazon video) so I haven't looked at them until now.

I've been reading round this afternoon and am finding a few reports saying they are good for beaming audio or still images but aren't good for moving video, add into that HD movie over wireless and it's not so great.

So I'm after your experiences really...can sending wireless films to these devices do the job well enough? I have previously streamed in HD wirelessly so I know there isn't a problem with the house for it, just whether the hardware can do the job.

And then for getting seems like the Fire is the one to go for? Google looks like they make it easy with just pressing a button on the screen to send it to the the Fire just the same?

Any thoughts or advice would be most appreciated!

tl;dr - using Chromecast or Fire, am I likely to get dropouts when streaming HD video wirelessly?
Why do you need to stream it from the phone? Why not just use a set top box?

In fact your TV does Netflix, most TVs allow you to set a dns, so rather than using a VPN, you can use a service like unblock-us.
Thanks for the reply.

Streaming from the phone would only be used if watching Netflix US, the VPN would be used to change the area. Unblock-us seems to do the same thing, but I already have the VPN.

It's more the quality of the stream I'm concerned about, whether it's stable or if it judders and breaks up.
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