Best way of testing a clutch?

Shove the car into a high gear and try accelerating up a steep incline. The car should stutter and feel like it's gonna stall. If instead the RPM starts to rise but the speed doesn't then the clutch is slipping.

Also, while parked with the handbrake off, put the car into 5th gear and lift the clutch. The car should stall straight away.
Fill your car up with people and that should make it more obvious with the extra weight.
Without wishing to sound rude, how can people not know if they have a slipping clutch? It's staggeringly obvious.

EDIT - good example video:

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Depends how much its slipping.

Drive along about 30, depress clutch, floor the throttle, put into 5th and quickly let go of the clutch
I've not been driving that long and I didn't really know the terminology. I think my car is behaving a bit like that youtube video. When I'm accelerating quickly, and then I change gear, the car sort of 'over-revs' before hitting the right RPM in the right gear. If that makes sense. How do I fix it?
the revs flick up, the car doesnt accelerate and your foot is off the clutch?

if so, you can check that the clutch release mech isnt premanently trying to release the clutch (an off chance..) other wise its new clutch time
The slipping will get gradually worse until it stops working completely - not ideal but if you need a few weeks to get the money together it should be fine, just dont ride it on hills too much
Don't tend to pull out when there's a car coming too fast to stop, but I know what you mean. I have the money but I just thought it's better in my pocket than someone else's :p
if you dont do much driving, just leave it. i do all sorts of mines and am often 100s of miles from home late at night, so i just couldnt chance it. i hate walking :D
I've not been driving that long and I didn't really know the terminology. I think my car is behaving a bit like that youtube video. When I'm accelerating quickly, and then I change gear, the car sort of 'over-revs' before hitting the right RPM in the right gear. If that makes sense. How do I fix it?

in the you tube video he's not changing gear or using the clutch pedal. Sounds like you just aren't coordinating you feet on the pedals properly.
A slipping clutch will normally just give way over a certain amount of revs and slip, so the gear isnt engaged properly, i found this in my clio, when my clutch went coming off a roundabout :p
Lopez' video is a good demonstration.

Your clutch is slipping if your revs are rising but your speed isn't rising in conjuction with the revs... its simple!

You will also notice that the engine seems to rev too easily and quickly as the clutch is slipping rather than letting the engine drive the transmition.
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