So, I've got a Ubuntu install on an old PC which is acting as a Time Machine server and general home of crap. It's also what I'm using as my 'play' machine for learning new stuff on.
I currently have my Home directory being backed up using the built-in Backup app, and that's being sent over the wire to a friend's own server. So that's safe. I'm going to have it back up my Time Machine backups too, so that's the Macs kept off-site, too.
The question is this: what about the actual Ubuntu install? I've tweaked allsorts, and getting the Macs to see it as a Time Machine server took a bit of faffing. I don't want to have to do all that again, but as I learn I'm sure to bork something at some point!
So, do I tell the Backup app to send everything over to the remote server and then exclude the /media directory, or is there a better way? I assume I can tell it to exclude /media but keep /media/Backup?
I currently have my Home directory being backed up using the built-in Backup app, and that's being sent over the wire to a friend's own server. So that's safe. I'm going to have it back up my Time Machine backups too, so that's the Macs kept off-site, too.
The question is this: what about the actual Ubuntu install? I've tweaked allsorts, and getting the Macs to see it as a Time Machine server took a bit of faffing. I don't want to have to do all that again, but as I learn I'm sure to bork something at some point!
So, do I tell the Backup app to send everything over to the remote server and then exclude the /media directory, or is there a better way? I assume I can tell it to exclude /media but keep /media/Backup?