Best way to burn MP3's onto a DVD?

5 Jul 2005
Hi, Whats the best way/program to do this? I'm using a program called CD XP Pro and twice its failed. The first time there was nothing in the folders and the second time the DVD got corrupted (I used four main root trees, is this not allowed?)

My filenames and folders are also being cut too, e.g. Aphex Twin folder is being cut to APHEX_TW and all the mp3's names inside the folder have been truncated to. I've tried changing to a different DVD spec, but to no avail.

I'm trying to put about 4gigs of MP3's onto a DVD+R. Whats the best free program to use?
I normally just burn things as a data DVD from Nero, or if you're in a hurry just use XP's own burning software, failing that iTunes/WMP will happily burn files to DVD/CD's etc for you.
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