Best way to do this?

14 Nov 2002
I have some ideas, and have some running ideas but i wanted some other peoples opinions?

Im doing a website for a local coach / airport transfer company. They want online booking. The first thing that popped into my head was a form that is filled in and sent to the company and filed etc. Simple, effective.

They arnt massive but i thought that maybe something database driven would be a bit more effective?

Anyone have any ideas? what would you do?

Depends how big it is. Email is indeed the easiest by far. As long as they aren't going to get completely overloaded with emails I'd go for that.

For the database thing you could use a form to feed a simple php page which adds a row to a mysql database. Wouldn't be too hard.
spoke to the guy again today and he reckons that e-mail should be fine. ill do it like that and if they get overloaded ill say "told you so" lol thanks
I would say for now that email would be best for them, that way they get notified when there is a new booking and they are all to hand

In my experience people dont always check other systems properly or routinely and things get missed
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