Best way to do this?

24 Oct 2012
I have something I need to do on a regular basis. The exact intervals are very loose. I'd like an app which I could open and see when I last did each action and if possible colour code them so I can see what's due and what's not at a cursory glance. For example, I'd like one week since action carried out to be green. After that week maybe make the indicator orange, then red thereafter. I would also like to leave notes each time an action is carried out.

I'm not looking for exact instructions, just some advice on which language would be suited. I'd also like to integrate it in to a website at some point and maybe offer it to friends who will have their separate logons if possible.

Any ideas where to start? I've been mulling over this for ages and have an idea of what I'd like to achieve but don't really know where to begin. Once I've got an idea I'll look at courses and tutorials in that language to get started on it.

Any ideas?
When you say "app", do you mean an app on a phone or a windows application?

TBH, you could use any of the major development languages to do it, particularly the website side of things.

It sounds like you'd be as well doing it for a website from the start.
Oh cool, thanks. I'm still very wet behind the ears with development but I'm learning slowly.

The end product would be on a website, I suspect that I could format that to fit on a mobile device too? I wouldn't even know yet how to store the info, I'm assuming that'd be MySQL?

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