Best way to fill in a bare hedge for more privacy?

19 May 2005
We have a big, wide hedge on one side of our garden and its kinda bare in places, so you can see straight through it. Is there a quick growing shrub or something that would thrive in a shady environment amongst a hedge? Or any other solutions?

At first I was considering those fake leaf rolls that are little plastic leaves stuck to plastic square trellis, but I'm worried it would trap birds as the hedge is very active with birds and other wildlife.
The only fullproof way is going to put a fence behind it.
Yeah I was just looking at it now and thinking that might be the play. Its an area where the bins are kept, so I'm thinking of maybe building a bit of decking there and a small balustrade around it, with some black privacy screening fabric behind it. There are a few small areas I won't be able to fence, so I'm hoping I can find some sort of decorative bushy plant to plonk in front of it.
There is bound to be something. I would suggest searching on "hedging plants" and asking some of the online suppliers you find, as they will be only too happy to help.
The gaps are where it gets too much sun or shade btw

if its too much sun maybe try watering it often and try to get a growth spurt out of it
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