Best way to get ethernet upstairs

10 Jan 2012
Okay so I'm looking for the best way to get ethernet upstairs to what would be my "office"

The floorplan is as follows:

The fibre wire (virgin media) comes into the house at the bottom left of the lounge next to the window were the red dot is. I was going to just use a powerline system but I want to be able to use Nvidia Gamestreaming downstairs on the TV (computer in office) and I've read about issues with it. I need an ethernet wire to get into Bedroom Two in some way.

I could just go along the lounge to the right and up the right hand top wall and put the cable up the wall, not sure if this would get the cable into the Bedroom of the corner of the bathroom though. The attic has a boarded floor but not sure thats helpful at all haha

Any ideas at all?
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I would suggest that running the cable round the outside of the house and back in upstairs would be the easiest way. Means you don't have to deal with trying to feed cable through cavities etc.
I would suggest that running the cable round the outside of the house and back in upstairs would be the easiest way. Means you don't have to deal with trying to feed cable through cavities etc.
Hmmmm never thought of going outside
This is the side of the house showing the current wiring into the living room on the left. Wonder how to get past the electric/gas box though.
Just go up the drainpipe into the loft and then down. Upto you whether you drop the cable down from the loft into the room, or drop it back outside and go into the wall for less visible cables.
I had to do this the hard way we didn't want anymore holes being drilled so instead I had to hide it behind some d-line mini trunking. The router is in the living room my PC is in the back bedroom so I had to hide around 22mtrs of cable. The trunking sits on top of the skirting board I had to use quite a bit of trunking but it did a good job of hiding the cable and if I want to move it the trunking is only stuck to the wall. I had to go from the bottom right hand side of the door frame to the bottom left put the cable under the carpet and slid it through the corner underneath the door, led the cable up the stairs all behind trunking and straight in to the back bedroom.

The other good thing about the trunking is you can paint it to what colour matches your walls and you can add more cable if you need anymore adding upstairs, yes it takes time but planning the job before hand is all you need to do.

This is the trunking I used
Just go up the drainpipe into the loft and then down. Upto you whether you drop the cable down from the loft into the room, or drop it back outside and go into the wall for less visible cables.


I bought some cheap 'kit' from B&Q with small wall mount termination points and 50M of cable.. I drilled alongside the VM Coax inlet and ran normal ethernet cable under the DPC line, and between the house/drainpipe and then drilled in to the loft..
All my upstairs walls are hollow/stud partition style, so just found the top plate, drilled through and dropped cables down the walls, drilled a small hole and put the small termination box on top..

8 years later on I found the other side of our lounge wall (boxed in the corner of the adjoining room) was a soil pipe and that has an uninterrupted path to the loft, so got rid of the external cable in the end..

I honestly thought the external cable wouldn't last but 8 years later it was still fine!
In a similar situation to that I took the cable down and ran it through some flexible conduit to where there was a convenient place to take the cable up. It is unlikely to be damaged that close to the house and the end result is far less messy than having cables all over your walls.
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