Best way to get night time skyline shots?

19 Oct 2002
Hiya ppl,

Im going to go up on the roof at work later on and get some pics of the city across the thames so Canary Wharf etc, now i tried the other night but due to the very slow shutter speed i didnt really get any poper clear pics and they were all very grainy(using optical zoom only). Camera is an Olympus C-5060 with wide zoom lens and i was using full 4x optical zoom, what tips do you have? The cam has lots of pictures on the dial on top but i dont know which mode to use really


Had a go with ISO set to 80 and the shutter speed at various levels of slowness, this is about the best, all the others are a blurry or just plain carp, what can be done to this to make the buildings stand out and the skies darker without it all looking a bit silly? ive tried HDR'ing it but it looks even worse then, not sure what to do?? :(

Here it is:


If anyone wants to have a go for me or wants the original RAW file let me know.

was anyone else half expecting to see a Nissan?

btw sorry for my complete lack of help :)
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because of the slow shutter speed your probably getting a lot of camera shake. Ideally you would need a tripod to get a clear picture.
My advice -

1. A tripod is essential for these shots. Failing that use a handy wall.

2. Cable release if you've got one, else use the self timer, to avoid camera shake. (Also mirror lockup for DSLRs - but this isn't appropriate for your camera, I guess)

3. Low ISO

4. Medium aperture - if you can set it on your camera (not sure of your model's details) F/8-11 is probably best.

5. Then whatever shutter speed is required for appropriate expsure. I tend to expose to the right slightly, in order to reduce the amount of noise. However, getting highlights right is difficult - especially with the bright lights at the top of the Canary Wharf towers:


Good luck! :)
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