Best way to learn SQL from scratch?

20 Sep 2003
I am a Business Analyst and believe it or not in my career I have never had the need to use SQL to query databases and pull out data in order to manipulate it and do data analysis. I have a project coming up that will require me to do some user usage stats and this means pulling data/stats from our SQL database. I want to learn how to do this and want to it it to my skill set.

Now I know I can go and watch YouTube videos and such like but its where is the best place to start. Speaking with colleagues in the office I've been advised to pick a topic I am interested in and build a project from there. I love my music and like to Dj in my spare time so I was thinking I could export al;l my music tracks and build some sort of database to then query. My question is what is the best way to go about this and learn SQL from the ground up?

After that I need to move on to how to use excel to manipulate data, using functions like vlookup and picot tables, so any suggestions on that would also be appreciated.

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