Best way to merge video files (xvid divx)

22 Aug 2004
Hey all, I have a bunch of video files in DIVX and XVID format id like to string them together rather than having to build playlists etc, anyone know a good program to quickly merge them windows movie maker takes hours cos it like converting them to WMV
Don't know if i am understanding this properly,but if you are just wanting to join them all together to make one big file then use something like Virtualdub or Nandub.All you have to do is open first clip the click append segment and add the next and so on.
I'd be suggesting VirtualDub too but it has a few drawbacks. I think it can only join clips with the same framerate and possibly also the same resolution. It's great if all the clips are the same because it'll join them without reprocessing but otherwise you'll need to go through the same pain as with movie maker and re-encode them, although divx/xvid encoding on a decent PC these days is faster than real time so it's usually not too bad.
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