Best way to overclock A4 cpu?

Man of Honour
25 Oct 2002
I have inherited a system with an A4-5300 CPU. The mobo is a Gigabyte ga-f2a88xm-ds2 which seems to offer a reasonable set of options and I have flashed to latest BIOS. However, the cpu is multiplier locked (can't set multiplier or turbo multipler higher than stock values of 34 and 36 respectively).

I tried upping the FSB to 112 with a tad extra RAM voltage and it wouldn't post at all so had to remove CMOS battery. Tried again on 105 and it booted OK. The RAM is HyperX 1600mhz cas10 so nothing special.

What's the best way to approach overclocking these, do they need extra vcore? What sort of limits should I be looking at? Is it a case of being limited by RAM speed so I should look at lowering the timings? Not really sure where to start as I didn't own any AMD cpus between the A64 Venice (single core) and Ryzen.

Happy to take some risks with this it's just a side project, I have a more powerful kit just sat in a drawer.
Thanks, had a play around and it seems the main thing is just dropping the memory multiplier to enable higher FSB. The mobo only goes up to 140mhz but it doesn't seem stable at that level anyway, dropped it slightly and running 4.7ghz.
I think this is the highest core clock speed I've ever had from a CPU, but the performance is pretty underwhelming. SuperPI 1M takes over 22s which is slower than my old E4300 @ 3.15ghz iirc (a 2007 chip), albeit this setup is a bit crippled by single channel memory.
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