Best Way to Stream Movies?

31 May 2005
I wish to stream our wedding video online so that both friends and family can see it without having to go through the hassle of waiting for the full movie to download. I know the easiest way would be to divx it or something and just host it on a server.. .but would like to try this as an experiment.

The video is 1½ hours long. Screen size isnt important, as long as its visible and the audio is good. I currently have the video as an MPG file.

What technologys would enable me to stream a video?

From what I can tell, If I was to go with A windows media streaming solution, that would require a special server with readily loaded software... correct? If so, whats the cheapest host which would provide this.... and give the bandwith required to stream the file?

If I went the flash route, what is the compression ratio like while maintaining an OK quality?

Any other alternatives which anyone can recommend would be appreciated.

Hope the above makes sense.
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Beansprout said:
I think MPG files tend to be quite large so you might have to re-encode it to WMV - Windows Movie Maker so a pretty good job - what's the file size?

The MPEG is 2.5GB.. Thanks for the info, will give Movie maker a shot, any ideas what the compression is like?
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