Best weedkiller to kill a lawn quickly?

18 Oct 2002
Guys now that the weather is getting better im planning on redoing the lawn, quite frankly its rubbish, so i want to kill it all off, level it all and then whack some turf over the top!

So what can i use to kill it off, afaik, you have to be carefull as some stuff prevents growth for ages (glycosulphate or summat?)

Any advice appreciated.
there are some good ones on the market that allow you to do just that.

although I find they have very high requirements


has to rain 48 hours after putting down

Dogs cats and kids have to be indoors for 2 days

has to be above 15°C but below 17.5°C and not too much sun etc...

you get my drift.

Another solution if you can spare the time is to cover the present lawn in plastic for a few months. that will kill it.
Like you say though, some stuff will stop anything from growing for quite some time.

How about just slicing the turf off. It's hard work but it is probably the best way to do it. It's what we did. Had a sore back for days though.
A bucket of diesel :P

Nah, i'd defo take the top off the lawn first then start afresh. Chances are you prolly wont be able to kill all the weeds and they will grown back through the new lawn. :(
I have a lot of weeds in the lawn too you see, hence the weed killer, if i slice the top off the weed'd roots will remain in the soil.
wohoo said:
Guys now that the weather is getting better im planning on redoing the lawn, quite frankly its rubbish, so i want to kill it all off, level it all and then whack some turf over the top!

So what can i use to kill it off, afaik, you have to be carefull as some stuff prevents growth for ages (glycosulphate or summat?)

Any advice appreciated.

Hire a rotivator and just rip it all up.
Problem being, most killers strong enough to kill off your lawn and weeds, it willkill new turf! I dont know if you remeber from last year or so but that advert with an annoying frog on which says within a week your lawn will look better and kills off weeds... It works a treat!!
Hire a turf cutter, they do a cracking job.
It will take the top inch or so off, then lay your new turf down straight away.

Hire them from hewdens, hss, speedy etc.
You could spray weed-killer before laying down the new turf. If you do that though you need to make sure you get a weed-killer that doesn't kill grass.
1) Rip up the old lawn (either hire a turf cutter or DIY)

2) Forget about the weeds for now

3) Lay Turf

4) Worry about the weeds when and if they actually show. Worst case, you buy a mild weedkiller in a few months and use that.
the people who are quoting to do to my garden what it sounds like you want to do to yours are on about industrial roundup.

Spray, leave a few days.. everything dies.




Relieve me of £1500.

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