Best/wierdest football chant at the World Cup?

5 Sep 2009
God's own country
Got to love the Dutch effort.

Hup Holland hup
Laat de leeuw niet in z'n hempie staan
Hup Holland hup
Trek het beessie geen pantoffels aan
Hup Holland hup
Laat je uit 't veld niet slaan
Want de leeuw op voetbalschoenen
Durft de hele wereld aan

Translated as:

Go Holland go
Don't leave the lion behind in his little undershirt
Go Holland go
Don't let the animal wear bedroom slippers
Go Holland go
Don't let them beat you out of the field
Because the lion wearing football shoes
Can take on the whole world

Anyone heard any better ones?
Yeah, I agree.
Lack of quality attacking football, lack of hot ladies jiggling in the crowd, lack of quality refereeing, Iniesta and Alves diving contest, and bloody vuvuzelas!
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