Ok guys i already have a un used modmic 5 so really after the best headphones for use with the mod mic and i also have a astro mixamp if needed.
Do you want maximal details at expense of neutral bass, or some above neutral bass punch/"fun factor"?
Also do you have quiet environment, or noisy environment?
If environment is quiet, open headphone design tends to breath better and isolate less heat, besides allowing easier balancing of bass and rest.
Downside is that all external sounds leak through unmuffled.
Closed design can isolate sound, but especially without velours they're not good at breathing/letting heat dissipate.
Also bass becomes easily very strong and details burying.
For open design and maximal details AKG K702 is one of the best ones.
And available for very good price around £100.
For good "fun factor" Beyerdynamic DT990 is good.
Its studio use aimed Pro version with coiled cable is around same price.
"Normal" Edition is £150.
For closed design Beyerdynamic DT770 would be good, though bass is towards stronger end.
Though wouldn't want to even think about Dolby Headphone of Mixamp with its bass bloat.
Myself K702's bass level is strongest I would consider good for it.
Not sure if there are much accurate/neutral closed headphones at least at reasonable price.
Modmic, or any other microphone, you need to anyway attach directly to Xbone's controller.
I was thinking more like external dac/amp or internal soundcard
Now I sure would like to see amount of hacking/modding needed for internal sound card in Xbox...
Only audio devices Xbone supports, besides analog stereo from controller, is Dolby Digital 5.1 devices through optical.