Beta WU's

21 Jun 2006
can someone give me some info on thses please?
are they worth more points?
how do you get them?
would i be better off with these or normal ones?
i got an x2 4800 , and an x2 440 and a sempron 3000
They are worth more, due to the chance of something bad happening, and I think they might use more memory than most.
You need to be added to the beta team at
Since you don't know a lot about them you're probably better off with normal ones. I've never bothered with them personally, but might do at some point.
ok need to clear some things up here I think

WUs are worth exactly the same whether they are in Beta or in public release, the only time this is incorrect is if the project ends up going a lot quicker or slower after a few generations and the points get adjusted accordingly before being released to the public - generally though the points stay the same.

If something goes wrong with a WU in Beta and it ends in an EUE then we receive the same points as if the WU was in public release and EUE'd - it's proportional to how long has been spent on the WU and if anything tends to end up a bit lower than what you should have got.

Beta WUs are currently giving good points as the majority seem to be large Double Gromacs which fly on an SSE2 capable machine - however there are also Gromacs WUs being tested which I'm only getting about 100ppd (lower than the benchmark average of about 110ppd), I could get much better points from the p1164 and p1165 WUs which have just gone public in the last week or so (infact I have had better ppd from the 56 pointers on my SocketA rigs :o)
Once the bugs are ironed out of the Double Gromacs WUs they will be out on public release anyway with a lot less chance of EUEs than there are currently (I'm getting about 1 in 5 failing with EUEs currently - not due to the machine, they have not completed on any other machines they were released to)

Like joeyjojo said the way to get Beta WUs is to join the beta team at the folding community forums - however they've got a lot more selective recently so make yourself useful and appear interested on the forums over there and be prepared for a bit of a wait while they decide if you're in it for just the points or will make a useful addition to the team.
Saying that though a quick look through the general projects summary page shows there are plenty of sweet WUs in pulic release anyway - looks like the drought of decent public WUs may be coming to an end :)
I think there've been quite a few people trying to get into beta purely to snap up the decent DGromacs WUs which have been going around, particularly as the general release WUs have been infested with the 56-pointers and other boring WUs lately.

I'm in the beta team. It is generally worth more points, but it's not always, and that's not the idea of it. You don't get more points just from being in the beta team. Most importantly you need to be able to check regularly the rigs which are Folding beta work, because Stanford need to know if there are any issues with the new units. They don't tend to error very often - the DGromacs are very stable - but probably more often than normal WUs, as you'd expect. Occasionally they release a run of units and quite a few of them error, but don't let that put you off. It gives you that warm fuzzy feeling of being in the forefront of stuff :cool:
Mattus said:
They don't tend to error very often - the DGromacs are very stable - but probably more often than normal WUs, as you'd expect.
I'm finding them very bad - about 1 in 5 seem to EUE though of course that's less than one a week as they take a good couple of days each anyway, still that's a lot higher maintained value than any other WU I've tested so far I think :eek:

I'm definately in it for the science - otherwise I'd switch the one underperforming Gromacs core back to regular work to try for a few of these 1164/1165's with the bonus points :o
I nearly missed it. I noticed I'd got a small number of points from somewhere and just wandered off to track it down.
rich99million said:
I'm finding them very bad - about 1 in 5 seem to EUE though of course that's less than one a week as they take a good couple of days each anyway, still that's a lot higher maintained value than any other WU I've tested so far I think :eek:

Strange - don't think I've had a DGro EUE in months. A while back there was a run of Gromacs where two out of three of them seemed to EUE and you were just waiting for it to happen, but the DGros seem OK for me!
hmm nevermind - the one I just reported is a normal Gromacs anyway :o
I thought one core was sat on DGros and the other was on Gros but seems they must have been switching about.

Think I might just be losing my mind :confused: :p
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