Better AI for Red Alert 2?

12 Jan 2003
York (+Lboro +New Malden)
Is there a mod for Red Alert 2 (not YR) that improved AI in skirmishes? Its like playing against... well I don't know what its like playing against, but its damn boring.

why not play online??? you'll always find a decent challange that way.

Comp players are always too predictible, after a while you know exactly what units they'll send and how many of them
Heh, coincidentally me and my mate were trying to play against 6 brutal AI on Artic Circle last night..

When we used to play we used to mop them up easy, but not anymore. :D Whoever started in the top right of the map (we had to restart about 10 times lmao) would get completely wiped out because the AI were just sending ALL their attacks to that person. At one point my mate had about 100 conscripts, 9 Kirovs and 6 Apocs and not to mention tons of Rhinos and Flak Tracks on the way to his base.. :D

In answer to your question, I remember I had a mod on mine ages ago that worked pretty well... but cannot remember where I got it from.. :( But yeah, if you ever want a real challenge you should hop online and play someone... obviously you come up against some bad players but there are some real quality players out there.
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I have yet to find anyone online who is a challenge on red alert 2. The online community seem to have a very low average skill level.
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I can't even remember how to get RA2 working online, didn't it use a different sort of internet protocall or somit.... :confused:
Check out Deezire:

Artificial Intelligence Enhancements
Red Alert 2 DeeZire brings you the significantly advanced 'DeeVious' Artificial Intelligence which represents much more of a challenge to human players. Although more experienced and adept Red Alert 2 players may not find it that much more difficult, it is certainly different and more of a challenge whilst being much less predictable.

Computer controlled armies will employ new units and tactics against you, and now have a multitude of new attacks and strategies with which to gain the advantage in battle. The AI now makes better use of success/failure assessment and threat rating systems, and will attempt to use a much wider and diverse range of strategies to defeat it's enemies whilst trying to find and exploit their weaknesses - for every action, the AI now has a reaction.

Each AI controlled country will also play to it's own strengths whilst trying to play down their individual weaknesses and make better use of their unique units. The vast improvement in strategies available for computer controlled armies means that they are also much less predictable, and will also play the game appropriately between different multiplayer game modes.

As a result of playing against some of the highest ranked players in the world, game-winning strategies and tactics have been programmed into the AI. The result is that the AI will assess the state of battle and strive to adopt the playing style of any one of several 'Generals', each with their own characteristic ranging from 'turtling' and 'rushing' tactics to weak defense/strong attack combinations and even all-out mayhem!

This enhanced Aritifical Intelligence interface is unique to Red Alert 2 DeeZire and also defines a clearer differential between game difficulty level settings, allowing for a much more clearly defined learning curve for players.

The AI enhancements can also be enabled and disabled independantly to the rest of the mod through the Red Alert 2 DeeZire Control Panel, accessable through the Red Alert 2 DeeZire folder on your Start Menu.

It's a good mod IIRC, installed it years ago and had a good laugh with it. I guess there'll be new versions now.
ive just installed it again and tried to get an account but it said something about unable to connect to server or something. I allowed it to access it through my firewall. any ideas?
geeza said:
ive just installed it again and tried to get an account but it said something about unable to connect to server or something. I allowed it to access it through my firewall. any ideas?
I think all of the servers were unified for the first decade pack so try asking on the EA forums.


XWIS have taken over the servers.

A2Z said:
i challenge you :p
If you'd have asked me a couple of years ago... I'm afraid I only play StarCraft on the PC now.
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Minstadave said:
Going to give this a try, looks good :)

It was good back in the day, had a lot of fun with it. If you really want some fun have a go with Tibed. You can make your own units and it's not even hard :) .

PS: How's the 6800LE holding up?
p4radox said:
It was good back in the day, had a lot of fun with it. If you really want some fun have a go with Tibed. You can make your own units and it's not even hard :) .

PS: How's the 6800LE holding up?

I'll have a play with that, cheers mate :)

I moved on from the 6800LE, I've sold my second system as it wasn't getting much use and bought myself a x1800xt 512mb :D
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