Better bang for buck - X2 3800+ or Raptor 150gig?

19 Feb 2006
I would be grateful for some advice here - I mainly use my computer for Battlefield 2 plus some video encoding and general web surfing. Currently I've got:

Opteron 146 oc to 2.95ghz on air.
DFI nf4 lanparty
2gb ram
WD Caviar 200gig PATA hard drive

I quite fancy getting a dual core cpu to try and overclock. I can only afford a x2 3800+ though, which in all probability won't clock to the same level as the opteron (unless I get really lucky). Therefore, would changing the opteron for a lower clocked dual core cpu make much difference to gaming speed and general windows usage, or would I be better off going for a 150gig Raptor hard drive which should improve the boot time and loading times?

Thanks for the replies. Reason for upgrading is that I have a bit of spare cash this month. Also I find overclocking fun (adjusting voltages, tweaking the mem latencies etc, etc), so I'm more inclined to go for the cpu.

Or I could save more and wait for Conroe. The last Intel cpu I bought was a Pentium 3 1ghz Coppermine. Since then AMD cpu's have generally offered better performance at a better price. However, everyone seems to be hyping Conroe up at the moment as the next big thing. Do you think it is worth waiting?
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