Better full tower for a shelf ?

6 Jan 2019
I have an Antec P9 full ATX atm but all the 'front' IO is on the top of the case, but that means its all above head height even when standing as its on a shelf above my desk.

been looking for a while but no luck on the perfect on yet, the InWin 909 is looking like the closest one so far, anyone got any ideas ?

i can add some pictures if anyone asks
I already have a USB hub, but that's not important. this case is OK but only bought it because it was cheap / good value and all full tower cases just seem to be a boring box and i didnt want to pay 100's for a boring box with a glass side that was all i could realy get 4 years ago.
i want the power buttons / fan controls to be reachable without standing up and even then i cant see them when i do in this one XD
nah id rather get a new case. im not too attached to this one, like i said it was just a good value boring box, im ready for a new one with some better functionality and one that looks better
Cases with IO near the bottom are a rarity as most people have their case on the floor below them or on the table beside them.

If you want to change case for aesthetic reasons as well then I would prioritise something you like the look of over the USB port locations and use hubs for the ports. Also check that any cases you do like aren't garbage for airflow (air cannot go through glass, as much as case manufacturers wish it would)
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