As some know I have to clean my garden and find a way to get this rubble to the tip at a cheap price, Well I've been having a look around for fencing and cannot find what I want but I've been looking into how to do fencing by a single person (by myself) all I see are people with others doing this stuff, I'm not one for having people help ( personal as I don't get blaming others for my mistakes)
I have not did any one this before and do not know how to mix what ever I need or what I will need to keep the post's in, would anyone know this stuff to help me along as I've looked on google and really people who show this and that really have wasted their time doing it as it don't help anyone.
p.s: sorry if i sound like a 5 year old lol
As some know I have to clean my garden and find a way to get this rubble to the tip at a cheap price, Well I've been having a look around for fencing and cannot find what I want but I've been looking into how to do fencing by a single person (by myself) all I see are people with others doing this stuff, I'm not one for having people help ( personal as I don't get blaming others for my mistakes)
I have not did any one this before and do not know how to mix what ever I need or what I will need to keep the post's in, would anyone know this stuff to help me along as I've looked on google and really people who show this and that really have wasted their time doing it as it don't help anyone.
p.s: sorry if i sound like a 5 year old lol