Better session drink?

9 Jan 2013
Worthing, West Sussex
Whats the best drink out of these to last a whole night drinking?

Bulmers Original
Stella (Bottled, 4.8%)

Opinions please!
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Im only going out for a night camping lol, but pretty much drinking all night. G and T will be a pain in the bum making all night long. Plus I don't actually like it haha
low % beer then. It will not last the night you will get bored. When i did this I ended up with strongbow and black. Was OK as lost the usual flavor and had some sweet in it.

I say bottles of fosters gold, nice beer and never usually feel to bad the day after

I love Fosters Gold but there is a special offer in Sainsburys and I can potentially get 2 cases of the listed above for £3 with a money off voucher I have. Am already getting a case of Cherry Bulmers, need to get something else for myself out of the above
Beers wouldn't be ice cold, but they wouldn't be warm. I've ordered Bulmers original, Bulmers cherry and 20 Becks now. Cheers for the suggestions though. Thought Stella gave a massive hangover when you drink a tonne of it?
I haven't purchased anything, my mate is over 18 and he does it online for us all - Don't have to hang outside asda like a chav then :D
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