Better Than Us (Netflix)

19 Feb 2010
Hi all - I couldn't find a thread on this which is surprising.

I was a massive fan of Humans on Channel4 and the more recent Detroit: Become Human game so this was a bit of a surprise find. Netflix has far too much generic junk on it at the moment and I found this by accident during a tentative look over the current catalogue having mostly stuck to Prime lately.

I must say I think this was better than Humans and the only regret I have is not watching it in its native language with subtitles. Saying that, the dubbing is not bad and didn't really take much away at all. This series appears to be something Netflix have taken on-board from Russia and it's not a Netflix Original - but hopefully with their backing it'll get renewed given the ending. :D

Seasons 1 & 2 are rolled in together on the platform so it's a really worthwhile binge IMO if you like your Asimov style Sci-Fi. Sure, there are some really cheesy moments but on the whole I thought the writers and actors did a great job. :)

Anyways, just wanted to share something that caught me by surprise and that I really enjoyed. Hope someone else picks it up after reading and enjoys it too :)

Loved the bloopers/messing-around in the end credits of the final episode! :D
This has been on my list for some time, but there's always something that has put me off. Thanks for the write up. I loved Humans, so will give this a go.

Incidentally, most things Netflix claims as 'originals' are actually just picked up from elsewhere. For example La Casa De Papel (Money Heist) had already broadcast 2 seasons in Spain. Netflix just took it and cut the episodes into different pieces.
I only recently watched Humans and loved it. This too has been on my list for a while but haven't pulled the trigger so thanks for the thread!
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