Beyer DT770 Pro owners?

22 Sep 2005
im almost certainly getting a pair of these headphones for my birthday, as ive read theyre just like a pure audiogasm lol.

just wondering if anyone uses them, and what they think of the asthetic side tot hem, nto really sound.
they look really big. are they practical for anythign else than sittign in private at your desk ? say train journeys etc. uir will i just look infinatly stupid :P lol

thats the forum where i heard about them.
i simply cannot wait to hear them to eb honest.
im tryign to think what i would think of soemone wearing HUGE earphones on a train or something lol.

i will be mainly gamign and listening to welll, ellectronic music
ive read these cans are pretty much 'wallhack' for games lol.

if theyre really that huge, ill just stick to using them when painting and computing. and get another pair of earbuds for my Zen
thanks for the input :)

p.s do tyou ahve the 80 Ohm version ?
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