Beyond Good and Evil

24 Feb 2004
Just got around to playing this and yes I know I'm a few years late :p

Anyhoo - got it all running how I like it and was enjoying myself until I get to the hovercraft. As soon as you go outside the frame rate drops to <5fps and is pretty much unplayable.

There are no newer patches for it. I got the budget version which is already V1.01. There are no specific fixes on Ubisofts website and searching a few forums has shown up nothing :(

Anyone experienced this before and got a work around?
it ran fine for me, and that was when it was released so I may not have had any patches at all.

Good game, though. Sorry I can't help.
would love to play it but can't reverse the mouse x axis - pain in the rear as it is an ace game. I just cannot get used to having to push up to look up. Need the controls like splinter cell and then I would play it. There must be a way to temporarily change the mouse axis for the whole computer no matter what program you are running. so the axis is changed in the desktop as well, and then change it back when you are not playing it. I mean something tells the cursor which way to go in response to mouse movement anyway, so there must be a file that can be edited or a program available that will change it.

then your flicking the wrong option :p

there should be 2 distinct options: 'Camera Control' and 'Look Mode'

Mine are set at Normal & Reversed - perfick :D
Psymonkee said:
then your flicking the wrong option :p

there should be 2 distinct options: 'Camera Control' and 'Look Mode'

Mine are set at Normal & Reversed - perfick :D

Heh, that might be OK for you but try inverting the camera control y axis. It inverts both x and y axes. :(
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