BF1 mATX £500 build

24 Dec 2010
Hi, I am looking to make a build to primarily play Battlefield 1.

I would like the build to be the smallest form factor possible. Smaller the case the better.

I would like the settings to be med/high if possible. Ideally I wouldn't like the fps to drop below 60fps.

I have a budget of £500

£500 is only for the build, no periphirals, monitor, operating system needed.

Any input is appreciated, thank you.

Edit: I have no older parts that can be re used.
As a guide I spent approximately £400 on my HTPC without the graphics card,OS or PSU:

i3 6100
8gb DDR4
256gb m2 SSD
Asus Pro Gamer Z170i mITX motherboard - The idea is in the future I will sell the i3 and buy a kaby/cannon lake i7.
Silverstone RVZO1 E (Allows you to use cheaper ATX PSU)

Unfortunately it would only leave you with £100ish for a GPU which means your only choices are RX460 or 1050, if you had a little bit more you could get a 1050ti and a little bit more than that would be a RX470 which should have no problem with BF1.

There is probably cheaper cases you could use but I don't think I would go below the i3 as BF1 likes CPU power.
Regardless of budget, the minimum I'd suggest for BF1 at 1080P is:

i5 (even a low end i5)
B150 or H110 motherboard (a cheap one)
1TB HDD or small SSD
GTX 1060/RX 480 (or for lower setting gameplay, RX 470)

I wouldn't listen to the guy who posted above me. He paired an i3 with a 1070 even though he has a 3570K system.
I'd suggest trying to buy some bit 2nd hand. It will significantly reduced e some costs yet will let you get some higher end parts.

2nd hand 780ti's go for a smidge over £100 and I've not struggled in any game so far
Looking at YT an RX470 4GB will give you above 60FPS at 1080P on decent settings. However,at least a relatively recent Core i5 or Core i7 is what the game ideally needs.
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