BF2: =50K= vs [OcUK] Game III

18 Aug 2005
Wirral, UK.

Footie, innit :)

It's about time we played again... sooo...

Same procedure as always, send an email containing your BF2 name and OcUK forum name: [email protected] - You'll only get added to the list if you do so. I won't accept people who post here and expect to be added.

- It'll be on Thursday the 22nd of June.
- The game starts properly at 8:00.
- People are to start filling the server 7:30.
- Substitutes or extras are allowed to join the server after 8:30, provided that there are 24 or less players on the OcUK team. We don't want an imbalance.
- Zatar Wetlands x 2 (64), Strike at Karkand x 2 (64).
- 25 per-side.
- Server details and password will be emailed to those who sign up properly.

OcUK Players:
[OcUK] Teamspeak server:

OcUK team will be using the above TS server for the duration of the game. (Thanks Yewen)

(BF2 Name - Forum name)
1) [OcUK]Krogother - MoNkEe
2) [OcUK]DJammyRasta - DJammyRasta
3) [OcUK]x_Meshuggah_x - Phalanx
4) [OcUK]Siders77 - Siders77
5) [OcUK]Rebel=UK= - Rebel=UK=
6) [OcUK]Noni - Noni
7) [OcUK]MajorPart - MajorPart
8) [OcUK]Mundu - Mundu
9) [OcUK]deko7291 - deko
10) [OcUK]richard bailey - ichabod crane
11) [OcUK]-=YakuzA=-Kyoukou - IamMed
12) [OcUK]Yewen – Yewen
13) [OcUK]Zacko1337 - Zacko
14) [OcUK]sc0rpius - B&W
15) [OcUK]MastermindUK - MastermindUK
16) [OcUK]TheOtherOption - TheOtherOption
17) [OcUK]MRTanit - Marius
18) [OcUK]Romeo-Kilo - G00SE
19) [OcUK]=CC=sargatanas - Sargatanas
20) [OcUK]Lukazan - Hlebio
21) [OcUK]Cybermyk - Cybermyk
22) [OcUK]Unisis - gazozborne
23) [OcUK]cascadia - cascadia
24) [OcUK]sandmaster500 - sandmaster500
25) [OcUK]bloodwolf06 - BloodWolf


1) [OcUK]possum05 - possum
2) [OcUK]sabre_tooth_tigger - geiger

Please only sign up if you're sure you can make it, to make my life easier.

Anyone putting their name down after the first 25 will be a substitute/replacement.

Normal 50Klicks server rules apply. They can be found HERE.

Remember to wear your [OcUK] tags.

This post will be continuously updated with information, and shortly before the game, =50K='s player list will be added in.
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Added everyone so far. Keep em coming!

Nice to see a more enthusiatic response this time ;)

And I do agree, you were better in game 2 than game 1, so going by that notion ... we (50K) might have a bit of a fight!
sargatanas said:
I'm in, [OcUK]=CC=Sargatanas

took some time out of it cause i had played it a bit too much, but ill get back into it again :D.

Same procedure as always, send an email containing your BF2 name and OcUK forum name: [email protected] - You'll only get added to the list if you do so. I won't accept people who post here and expect to be added.

UPDATE: Game postponed to Thursday the 22nd of June

With the footie on, the risk of people missing the game is just too high for me to even bother trying to get it going on the 15th, so 22nd it is.

Let me know (BY EMAIL) if you can't make this date.
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IF the server crashes, we'll restart it on the round we were on (for example, 2nd round of Kark, it crashes, we'll pick up on that second round again.)

Hopefully it won't crash though :p
Thanks to all those that turned up, even if you were disconnected!

I thought Karkand went well, but it all went lop-sided on Zatar.

The next game will be after the upcoming patch - and if Road to Jalalalalalalalabad is any good, we'll be playing that ;)

Again, thanks to all that turned up - I had fun, and I hope that, despite the numbers difference and all that, you did too.

Next time, I'll be talking directly to Yewen, and arranging it through him. He can post a thread on the OcUK Clan forum, and that should eliminate most of the dropouts.
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