BF2 and SF

Number one is BF2 Vanilla.
Number two is Armoured Fury.
Number three is Euro forces.
Number four is Special forces.
I'm thinking of purchasing one of the Battlefield games, but not sure which one to get? Gf is away for a whole month, so I can spend a lot of time playing online - question is "which one do I get?" :confused:

I've been reading a lot of stuff and am still undecided between BF 1942 and BF2 :(
get sf just for the tier 2 weapons alone... haven't been in a server recently but i play it from time to time when i feel like a change

haven't bothered with either of the 2 booster packs... i aint payin for a couple of maps... damn ea
djcj said:
Does it unlock these weapons in vanilla bf2 as well?


It can be a bit tricky finding a decent server on SF as the majority of them are EA UK servers (chances of proper squad work being slim/nil) but if you prefer playing as a lone wolf it's pretty good.
Warlord is easily second best map to Karkand if you like that kind of thing so SF is really rather good.

I play a little AF but it isn't that much fun, and EF... is there even a server up dedicated to it now?? It seems to have gone as soon as AF came out. :o

I dont bother playing BF2, mainly because the only drive it works in is my DVD RW drive which is in my download machine Specail forces wasn't bad but think if and when i go back to BF2 i'll stick with Vanilla. Not likely to go back though.
GlasgowTitan said:
Not a lot of people play 1942 anymore, its mostly mods or modded maps that are played, but again there isnt many servers.

So buy BF2 then? :D
We're replacing SF with AF/EF on thursdays - just not enough interest in.
Still occasionally run it though, if our clan wants to play it.
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