22 Oct 2004
Hi all,

The other day i'd thought (in my infinate wisdom) to upgrade my drivers (nForce and Forceware) to the latest and greatest version on the nVidia site. All fine and dandy, know errors until i tired to play BF2 (latest patch, not the beta one though).

It crashes to desktop just when i click on the join button after i have connected and loaded the map. I had a gander in the event logs and there are 2 entries at the same time. I assume they are to do with BF2...

Event Type: Error
Event Source:
Event Category: None
Event ID: 0
Date: 24/07/2006
Time: 18:14:45
User: N/A
Computer: <removed gay pc name>
The description for Event ID ( 0 ) in Source ( ) cannot be found. The local computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to display messages from a remote computer. You may be able to use the /AUXSOURCE= flag to retrieve this description; see Help and Support for details. The following information is part of the event: 7.
0000: 71 67 88 72 bb b9 ca 75 qgˆr»¹Êu
0008: 6e 6f 81 7a b3 b1 c2 7d noz³±Â}
0010: 76 77 99 62 ab a9 da 65 vw™b«©Úe
0018: 7e 7f 91 6a a3 a1 d2 6d ~‘j£¡Òm
0020: 46 47 a9 52 9b 99 ea 55 FG©R›™êU
0028: 4e 4f a1 5a 93 91 e2 5d NO¡Z“‘â]
0030: 56 57 b9 42 8b 89 fa 45 VW¹B‹‰úE
0038: 5e 5f b1 4a 83 81 f2 4d ^_±JƒòM
0040: 26 27 c9 32 fb f9 8a 35 &'É2ûùŠ5
0048: 2e 2f c1 3a f3 f1 82 3d ./Á:óñ‚=
0050: 36 37 d9 22 eb e9 9a 25 67Ù"ëéš%
0058: 3e 3f d1 2a e3 e1 92 2d >?Ñ*ãá’-
0060: 06 07 e9 12 db d9 aa 15 ..é.ÛÙª.
0068: 0e 0f e1 1a d3 d1 a2 1d ..á.ÓÑ¢.
0070: 16 17 f9 02 cb c9 ba 05 ..ù.Ëɺ.
0078: 1e 1f f1 0a c3 c1 b2 0d ..ñ.ÃÁ².
0080: e6 e7 09 f2 3b 39 4a f5 æç.ò;9Jõ
0088: ee ef 01 fa 33 31 42 fd îï.ú31Bý
0090: cd f7 19 e2 08 29 5a e5 Í÷.â.)Zå
0098: dd ff 11 ea 23 21 d2 d2 Ýÿ.ê#!ÒÒ
00a0: ca 27 23 d1 1b 19 ea ea Ê'#Ñ..êê
00a8: ce cf 21 da b7 30 6d de ÎÏ!Ú·0mÞ
00b0: d6 d7 39 c2 7f e2 68 c5 Ö×9ÂâhÅ
00b8: f1 4e 47 ca 18 01 72 cd ñNGÊ..rÍ
00c0: e0 a5 69 b2 7b 92 18 b5 à¥i²{’.µ
00c8: 8d af 41 ba 71 a5 b9 4b ¯Aºq¥¹K
00d0: b6 4a 3d c4 69 bd a1 53 ¶J=Äi½¡S
00d8: be 42 35 cc 61 b5 a9 5b ¾B5Ìaµ©[
00e0: 86 7a 0d f4 59 8d 91 63 †z.ôY‘c
00e8: 8e 72 05 fc 51 85 99 6b Žr.üQ…™k
00f0: 96 6a 1d e4 49 9d 81 73 –j.äIs
00f8: 9e 62 15 ec 41 95 89 7b žb.ìA•‰{
0100: 66 9a ed 14 b9 6d 71 83 fší.¹mqƒ
0108: 6e 92 e5 1c b1 65 79 8b n’å.±ey‹
0110: 76 8a fd 04 a9 7d 61 93 vŠý.©}a“
0118: 7e 82 f5 0c a1 75 69 9b ~‚õ.¡ui›
0120: 46 ba cd 34 99 4d 51 a3 FºÍ4™MQ£
0128: 4e b2 c5 3c 91 45 59 ab N²Å<‘EY«
0130: 56 aa dd 24 89 5d 41 b3 VªÝ$‰]A³
0138: 5e a2 d5 2c 81 55 49 bb ^¢Õ,UI»
0140: 26 da ad 54 f9 2d 31 c3 &Ú*Tù-1Ã
0148: 2e d2 a5 5c f1 25 39 cb .Ò¥\ñ%9Ë
0150: 36 ca bd 44 e9 3d 21 d3 6ʽDé=!Ó
0158: 3e c2 b5 4c e1 35 29 db >µLá5)Û
0160: 06 fa 8d 74 d9 0d 11 e3 .útÙ..ã
0168: 0e f2 85 7c d1 05 19 eb .ò…|Ñ..ë
0170: 16 ea 9d 64 c9 1d 01 f3 .êdÉ..ó
0178: 1e e2 95 6c c1 15 09 fb .â•lÁ..û
0180: e6 1a 6d 94 39 ed f1 03 æ.m”9íñ.
0188: ee 12 65 9c 31 e5 f9 0b î.eœ1åù.
0190: f6 0a 7d 84 29 fd e1 13 ö.}„)ýá.
0198: fe 02 75 8c 21 f5 e9 1b þ.uŒ!õé.
01a0: c6 3a 4d b4 19 cd d1 23 Æ:M´.ÍÑ#
01a8: ce 32 45 bc 11 c5 d9 2b Î2E¼.ÅÙ+
01b0: d6 2a 5d a4 09 dd c1 33 Ö*]¤.ÝÁ3
01b8: de 22 55 ac 01 d5 c9 3b Þ"U¬.ÕÉ;
01c0: a6 5a 2d d4 79 ad b1 43 ¦Z-Ôy*±C
01c8: ae 52 25 dc 71 a5 b9 4b ®R%Üq¥¹K
01d0: b6 4a 3d c4 69 bd a1 53 ¶J=Äi½¡S
01d8: be 42 35 cc 61 b5 a9 5b ¾B5Ìaµ©[
01e0: 86 7a 0d f4 59 8d 91 63 †z.ôY‘c
01e8: 8e 72 05 fc 51 85 99 6b Žr.üQ…™k
01f0: 96 6a 1d e4 49 9d 81 73 –j.äIs
01f8: 9e 62 15 ec 41 95 89 7b žb.ìA•‰{
0200: 66 9a ed 14 b9 6d 71 83 fší.¹mqƒ
0208: 6e 92 e5 1c b1 65 79 8b n’å.±ey‹
0210: 76 8a fd 04 a9 7d 61 93 vŠý.©}a“
0218: 7e 82 f5 0c a1 75 69 9b ~‚õ.¡ui›
0220: 46 ba cd 34 99 4d 51 a3 FºÍ4™MQ£
0228: 4e b2 c5 3c 91 45 59 ab N²Å<‘EY«
0230: 56 aa dd 24 89 5d 41 b3 VªÝ$‰]A³
0238: 5e a2 d5 2c 81 55 49 bb ^¢Õ,UI»
0240: 26 da ad 54 f9 2d 31 c3 &Ú*Tù-1Ã
0248: 2e d2 a5 5c f1 25 39 cb .Ò¥\ñ%9Ë
0250: 36 ca bd 44 e9 3d 21 d3 6ʽDé=!Ó
0258: 3e c2 b5 4c e1 35 29 db >µLá5)Û
0260: 06 fa 8d 74 d9 0d 11 e3 .útÙ..ã
0268: 0e f2 85 7c d1 05 19 eb .ò…|Ñ..ë
0270: 16 ea 9d 64 c9 1d 01 f3 .êdÉ..ó
0278: 1e e2 95 6c c1 15 09 fb .â•lÁ..û
0280: e6 1a 6d 94 39 ed f1 03 æ.m”9íñ.
0288: ee 12 65 9c 31 e5 f9 0b î.eœ1åù.
0290: f6 0a 7d 84 29 fd e1 13 ö.}„)ýá.
0298: fe 02 75 8c 21 f5 e9 1b þ.uŒ!õé.
02a0: c6 3a 4d b4 19 cd d1 23 Æ:M´.ÍÑ#
02a8: ce 32 45 bc 11 c5 d9 2b Î2E¼.ÅÙ+
02b0: d6 2a 5d a4 09 dd c1 33 Ö*]¤.ÝÁ3
02b8: de 22 55 ac 01 d5 c9 3b Þ"U¬.ÕÉ;
02c0: a6 5a 2d d4 79 ad b1 43 ¦Z-Ôy*±C
02c8: ae 52 25 dc ®R%Ü

Any ideas? I'm thinking something to do with sound.
Ace of Spades said:
tried updating your soundcard drivers failing that reinstall bf2?

Downloaded the 6.86 drivers (nforce 4 ultra) and the 91.31 forceware drivers.

I wish i hadnt bothered now :rolleyes: Didnt have these issues before, mind you i havent been playing bf2 that often. I hadnt really played it online with the new patch (cos it sucks and crashes all the time) Maybe that is the real problem :confused:
Well that didnt work.

I was able to manage to connect earlier, but i have just had some tea and came back to have another go, and the bugger is still playing up even when using the esc key. :rolleyes: Looks like i shall be playing a different game tonight then! rFactor it is!
Are you running a dual core rig ?
Whats your system specs ?
Hows your temps ?
Where did you get the 1.3 patch from ?
Is it the incremental or Full ?

And finally you play RFactor, under what name and what mods are you playing. I am part of [ISR] formally [TSR].
Rfactor owns i love the game the racing is second to none.
Got it sorted now. I just leave the PC to join automatically and then it does bomb out.

Play under my normal name (forum name). I havent played in a while though, as i am waiting for the latest patch and then CTDP! Yeah!
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