BF2 Euro Forces ?

10 Feb 2006
Been playing BF2 now for a while, and whilst it still has certain problems with patching etc i am adicted ....

I have been thinking of getting one of the expansion packs, but not sure which one to get (Euro Forces, Special Forces or Armoured Fury)
Tbh, Euro Forces is looking quite good, but SF has the unlocks :confused:

Any feedback on these would be appreciated, so i can feed my adiction :p
Get Euro forces and just get someone with SF to play your account to get the unlocks. Takes 2 mins. ;)
I can't comment on Euro forces as I haven't got it, but there aren't many servers playing the maps so you might have trouble finding a game.
Special Forces can be good and the Warlord map is one of the best in the game, plus you haven't got jets spoiling the action but it doesn't run as well as vanilla BF2 .
Armoured Fury is fine if you like armour and helis, I always seem to get rubbish scores when I try to play it as I'm mainly an infantry player.
OK Thanks guys, so it seems like SF then !!!

As malc30 said i need to find someone with SF, to play my account for a while to get the unlocks.... but i dont know anyone with any of the add-ons :mad:
Am i right in thinking that if for example i have already got 8 unlocks in BF2, then i will get 8 more straight away using SF, and that they are also usable in BF2 :p

Cheers Guys
Ak!ta said:
OK Thanks guys, so it seems like SF then !!!

As malc30 said i need to find someone with SF, to play my account for a while to get the unlocks.... but i dont know anyone with any of the add-ons :mad:
Am i right in thinking that if for example i have already got 8 unlocks in BF2, then i will get 8 more straight away using SF, and that they are also usable in BF2 :p

Cheers Guys

Or if you know someone has used a digital download for SF you can use their account and install it from there, just make sure you login to SF when that particular person isnt online. Play 1 round of multiplayer.

That should do it, can take upto a day or two for the stats server to update properly.

You'll hear the unlock sound at some point over 1-2 days and thats it, just play BF2 as usual with the extra unlocks... :D

p.s. i prefer Armoured Fury out of the 3. Though i play regular BF2 more often, the expansions really don't do it for me.
Armored Fury and SF are the only expansion packs worth buying, Euro forces was a letdown, the eurofighter sucked badly, if u go up it tilts itself slightly downwards which really is irritating/ :mad:
Becoming a bit of a addict to this game myself now and having bought the deluxe edition which comes bundled with SF.... I would definately recommend SF, its brilliant! loads of maps and new weapons.

Plus if you get SF, when you increase in rank and you get the weapon unlocks, you get to choose 2 weapons per unlock instead of the normal 1.
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