[BF2] Good Single Player Maps?

10 Jul 2006
Hi there,

I am really getting into Battlefield 2 single player and I wondered if anyone could recommend me some good maps.

I absolutely love the map: Operation: Black Hawk Down. The urban style maps.

Can anyone recommend me any?

i can recommend you stop playing BF2 single player as its a complete and utter waste

play the multiplayer instead :D

honestly, BF2 is a multiplayer game. it has no singleplayer content

its just the multiplayer game, but with bots that are usless.
I dont understand why people buy a multiplayer game only to play singleplayer?

The single player is a gimic, that is designed to let you figure out the buttons before you play online.
Deliverance said:
I dont understand why people buy a multiplayer game only to play singleplayer?

The single player is a gimic, that is designed to let you figure out the buttons before you play online.

maybe he cant be bothered with the idiots that come with the online side of this game? like being base raped, or team killed for a tank etc etc, or the grenade spam, claymore spam.
Mr Men said:
maybe he cant be bothered with the idiots that come with the online side of this game? like being base raped, or team killed for a tank etc etc, or the grenade spam, claymore spam.

I guess im fortunate enough to play regularly on servers where that simply doesnt happen
Hlebio said:
Jesus, if the man wants to play single player, let him without bloody judging and telling him otherwise.

Tis true, each to their own.

They're all good but Karkand and Sharqi seem to be the favourite maps in SP amongst those I asked.
Hlebio said:
Jesus, if the man wants to play single player, let him without bloody judging and telling him otherwise.

Who yanked your chain man? no ones judging him, just saying i find it odd that people buy multiplayer games only to then play Singplayer. Dont be so quick to jump on someones back. I wasnt rude toward him in the slightest
Atleast you don't get continuous spawn killers on single players, the online side of that is seriously putting me off it now, u get a tank just sitting spamming spawn points whats the point of that.
Deliverance said:
Who yanked your chain man? no ones judging him, just saying i find it odd that people buy multiplayer games only to then play Singplayer. Dont be so quick to jump on someones back. I wasnt rude toward him in the slightest

But it isn't just a multiplayer game, there is a single player option, so it isn't odd.
Deliverance said:
I guess im fortunate enough to play regularly on servers where that simply doesnt happen

there's no such thing as a smacktard free server matey ;)
MrLOL said:
but there are such things as servers with admins where the smacktards dont last long

Thats would i should have said.....even then, once people know they cant get away with taking the pish on servers they either stay away, or behave. Thus those servers are considerably less likely to smacktardism.
eekfek said:
wait your gonna say 50Klicks servers ? /giggle .... well they do have many admins, but there not really fun imo, aaaanyways , back to the OP

try -=> http://battlefieldsingleplayer.planetbattlefield.gamespy.com/index.php <=-

I can highly recommend you look under the maps section at that site and get -

BF2 SP64 Map Pack - Download (555 MBs)

Edit - without my machine it could be this one lol

BF2 sp16/32/64 with Coop Map Pack (v2) - Download (138 MBs)

I use it a lot and its fantastic, all the online maps with good AI and lots of bots + they seem to be very accurate to the originals too :)

Any problems running it then post again, I didnt hit many problems but ironed them out easy enough and it doesn't affect punkbuster.

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