BF2 key change problem

28 Dec 2004
Eerie Indiana™
All I want to do is change left_shift to crouch and left_ctrl to sprint...SO WHY WON'T IT ******* LET ME??!!! :mad:
It tells me that there's conflicts in land, air, sea, boat etc... so I manually change all these, so there's nothing conflicting and it still won't let me.
Any ideas?
Is there a part of the cfg in the bf2 folder I can edit to suit?
Ace of Spades said:
i tried to do the same but it wouldnt let me so had to bind the key next to shift :rolleyes: should work for CTRL just shift seems a problem key

That's what I have to use, not that I like that setup...after six or seven years of cs playing with shift as crouch, I've kinda gotten used to it being that way and I'm not adapting well to the new way :(
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