BF2 Mine mine mine movie

18 Oct 2002
In over my head

I'm trying to find the bf2 movie that has lots of comedy sketches in it. It has an American solider being chased by Iraqi soliders who are acting like the seagulls from Finding Nemo. Can anyone help me?
Thats genius! Haven't seen it before. Would love to do one of those myself. Looks like a right laugh.

Don't spose anyone know what the one with all the people jumping down the hill like the coloured bouncy balls is called/linkie please? :)
How does he get the camera angles and stuff for them? Surely you can only see your gun O_O or is there some kind of demo thing available.
Not worth making a new thread and is kind of along the same lines: Please could someone tell me the name/link to the fear and halo comedy sketch things? Was posted on here fairly recently but can't find it.

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