BF2 Noob needs help

4 Apr 2006
Hi all

i've had BF2 since xmas but due to a COD2 addiction havent even installed it yet.

any advise for getting into the game? should i just charge straight into the online game and see how long it takes to get used to it? or should i play the offline part first?

also im told i need to download a mamoth patch so thta i can play where is the best place for em to pick it up from?

follow up question.

i know there are supposed to be some add ons for the game, not sure if they are ones u have to pay for or not?

if i havent got any add ons (which i wont have) will i be at a big disadvantage to everyone else?
thanks if you see some noob called loki running about and gettin pwned left right and centre over the next couple of days its probably me!!

roll up roll up cheap kills get your cheap kills here!
Jimbu said:
the names are linked to accounts

might have to go for lokiguesty then like i did on here? what do u do if u join a clan or somthing then? do u have to restart so that you can get tags or can u change your name in someway?

will probably make more sense when i install it and have alook around
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