BF2 not starting???

5 Mar 2006
when I try to start BF2..the screen goes black like it just about to boot into the game and the cd kicks in...the it suddenly boots back to the desktop..and thats it. Any ideas?

I dont really want to re-install the whole game again along with all the patches. The only thing ive done since last time played it was change my monitor to a 20" widescreen. Surely that cant have anything to do with it???

graphics card is fine...can play other games no problem. Its been the same since i tried this afternoon...and still the same. :confused:
mine does this if i leave folding going in the background, if you haven't got folding running then maybe another distributed computing thing or cpu heavy app.
changing your monitor/resolution has caused this, ive had this loads with different monitors, its BF2 not being able to adjust :rolleyes:
you can mess around deleting files from the BF2 folder in my documents, but its just as easy to reinstall the thing tbh.
i had this, read somewhere if you deleted the files in here> C:\Documents and Settings\YOUR NAME\My Documents\Battlefield 2 things would be ok, done said task and all has been fine since
Agreed it is a Resolution conflict causing your problem.
Either deleting the cache files in battlefield documents folder or a reinstall will sort it.
sorted...I re-installed it but never deleted my profile and it still wouldnt work. Dleted the folder in my douments and it seem to going good now. Thanks guys!
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